

Get ready for an extraordinary celebration of the iconic Gundam franchise! The “GUNDAM NEXT FUTURE -FINAL-” event promises to be a spectacular experience for fans, showcasing the evolution and future of Gundam. This event marks the 45th anniversary of the beloved series and serves as a grand finale to the nationwide “GUNDAM NEXT FUTURE -ROAD TO 2025-” initiative. Join us as we delve into the details of this exciting event!

Event Overview

The highly anticipated event “GUNDAM NEXT FUTURE -FINAL-” is set to take place in Tokyo and Osaka, allowing fans to immerse themselves in the future of the Gundam series. This event celebrates the 45th anniversary of the Gundam franchise and serves as the culmination of the nationwide event “GUNDAM NEXT FUTURE -ROAD TO 2025-” that has been held across all 47 prefectures in Japan. It aims to connect the passion of Gundam fans to the upcoming Osaka-Kansai Expo and beyond.

Event Highlights

  • First exhibition of the new anime “Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX”.
  • Finals of the “Gundam Builders World Cup 12th Tournament” in Tokyo.
  • Exhibitions of various Gundam-related projects and merchandise.

The Tokyo venue will host the finals and award ceremony for the Gundam Builders World Cup, along with product sales. The event in Tokyo will run from February 21 to 24, 2025, at the Sumitomo Building Triangle Plaza, while the Osaka venue will be held from April 1 to 14, 2025, at Grand Front Osaka. Fans are encouraged to attend and experience the journey and future of Gundam.

Tokyo Venue Details

  • Date:February 21 (Fri) – 24 (Mon, holiday), 2025
  • Location:Sumitomo Building Triangle Plaza, Shinjuku, Tokyo
  • Admission:Free

Osaka Venue Details

  • Date:April 1 (Tue) – 14 (Mon), 2025
  • Location:Grand Front Osaka
  • Admission:Free

Both venues will feature a large-scale video display showcasing Gundam characters and a monument made from collected Gundam plastic model runners. The event will also include interactive experiences such as “Gundam VR Battle” and “Gundam R (Recycle) Operation”.

Special Collaborations

In addition to the event, a collaboration with Hatsune Miku will be launched, featuring exclusive items available for pre-order during the “Gundam Metaverse” event. Furthermore, a collaboration with Hiroshi Fujiwara’s design project “fragment” will introduce original design merchandise celebrating the 45th anniversary of the Gundam series.

Merchandise and Pre-orders

Exclusive Gundam models will be available for pre-order through the Premium Bandai online shop, with items such as the MG 1/100 Justice Gundam and MG 1/100 Freedom Gundam. Details on the full lineup and purchasing methods will be announced on the official event website.


Don’t miss the chance to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Gundam at the “GUNDAM NEXT FUTURE -FINAL-” event. Mark your calendars and prepare for an unforgettable experience!

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